Escape Rooms

So, escape rooms were/are a recent fad that doesn't really need explaining because if you found my blog, you can figure out Google and learn how they work.

And like any fad, film makers HAVE to get in on this so I've had to make this page to differentiate between three films, all titled Escape Room and all as equally dull as the next.

First is the most recent, directed by Adam Robitel. As this one was financed by Sony I'll refer to it as "Escape Room - Money". It's more sci-fi than anything else and back in February a sequel was announced. You can read my joyous reaction here.

Then there's the one including a killer the characters call Stitchface hence: "Escape Room - Stitchface". The film knows that sticking in the same room with a group of people solving puzzles can be a bit dull so instead of steering into the skid, they constantly cut outside the room to watch Skeet's character fret about his finances.

And then, finally, there's the one featuring a really boring group of rich people who go to the most exclusive escape room ("it's not even online" purrs one of the characters before showing them a cube that reveals a website"). They're all so stupid and unlikeable it seemed only fair to call it "Escape Room - Dickheads".

Enjoy. Frankly there's far more fun to be had reading this thread about working at an escape room on reddit.

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